USA Cool Student Furniture

loft-hq_front_daytime_1[1]When James Jannetides’ grandparents came to this country, they knew they were entering the land of the free and the home of the brave. They knew that America was a place of opportunity, and that was where they wanted to settle. After his grandparents became citizens, they started their own businesses and enjoyed a life in the USA as business owners. Keeping with the same spirit of his grandfathers and his father before him, James started University Loft Company in the heartland of America where the company began to make USA cool student furniture.

University Loft's Master Wood Crafters Build Better Student Residence Furniture with Solid WoodWith state-of-the-art manufacturing methods, like English dovetail joints and corner blocks in the dressers and desks, our student furniture is built strong – and has been proven to last through years of use. It is the strongest college furniture not only in America but throughout the world.

As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day in the United States, Uloft wants you to know that we are proud to be an American company!2014_arborDay_GroupShot_1997

University Loft Company is here for you. We can direct you in your search for quality dormitory, military and off-campus furniture. Because your business is important to us, we would love to answer any question you might have. You can contact us or give us a call at 1.800.423.LOFT (5638). A skilled staff member will direct you to the dorm room solution that is just right for you. We are ready to ship your order at short notice. To see more of our fabulous lines of university furniture, take a look at our catalogs. We are sure that University Loft Company has something for you. We thank you for your business.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock

University Loft Company is a leader in the furniture industry and continues to create innovative products. Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides’ continual drive and determination is the force behind University Loft Company. His example as an extreme visionary has been a wellspring of encouragement and inspiration to many.








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